Whether you are looking for a present, a last minute father's day's gift or just for a great moment all by yourself; the third edition of our whisky and chocolate boxes is here. It can be reserved from now on for 40€ by e-maling us under [email protected]. The stock is limited so don't wait too long to get yours! To all those of you that don't know our box yet, let me give you a short description: we select four whiskies and have some premium hand made belgian chocolate especially created to fit them as good as imaginable. You get 4 whisky samples of 5 cl each and 4 mini tablets of chocolate, 9 bits each, all of this arranged in a pretty box joined by a booklet containing all the informations about the products. Ob et fir en originelle Kado, eng Last Minute Pappendagsiwwerraschung oder ee genësslechen Owend fir Iech selwer soll sinn; di drëtt Editioun vun eiser Whisky and Chocolate Box ass do. Se ka vun elo u fir 40€ per E-Mail op [email protected] bestallt ginn. Et sinn der net immens vill do dofir mat Iech bäi! Fir all déi, di eis Këschten nach net kennen, loosst mech se kuerz beschreiwen: mer siche 4 Whiskien eraus a kréien da vun engem belsche Chocolatier 4 Schockelae kreéiert, déi beschtméiglech bei des Whiskie passen. Dir kritt 4 Echantillone Whisky vu je 5cl a 4 kleng Tablette Schockela mat je 9 Maifelcher, dat ganzt an enger flotter Këscht mat engem klenge Booklet mat alle wichtegen Informatiounen zu de Produiten.
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The whisky club is visiting the Spirits in the sky whisky fair in Brussels on the 5th of november 2017. 70 different stands are going to give you the opportunity to explore their treasures at the Thon Hotel EU in Brussels, rue de la Loi.
Follos www.spiritsinthesky.be for further details! We'll travel by train on the following schedule: Arlon – Bruxelles-Schuman Departure 9 :32 Arrival 12 :08 Return: Bruxelles-Schuman-Arlon Departure 18 :51 Arrival 21 :28 Prices: Train tickets: 23 € special price weekend internet Entrance Spirits in the sky : 15 € presale internet* including 1 tasting glass 5 "diamonds**" * You can access the festival at 12:30, 30 minutes before the local cashiers open! **1 Diamond is worth 1 € in tastings. Be careful: Diamonds are only available at the fair and can neither be excanged nor refunded at the end of the fair! Inscription by mail up to the 15th of october 2017 : [email protected] To celebrate our 10 anniversary, we are holding an entire whisky related week-end at Parc Hotel Alvisse in Dommeldange. Check it out here!
Août 2023